Padbury Parish Council has seven councillors. Their details are below, together with the details of our Parish Clerk.

Each councillor has to register any interest that may conflict with their work as a councillor. The register of interests is on the Buckinghamshire Council’s website and it can be viewed via this link.

  • Chairman

    Office : 01280 821931
    Email :
    Peter Burton

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    BMKALC (Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils) - representative
    Winslow and Villages Community Board - representative
    NALC (National Association of Local Councils) - representative
  • Vice Chairman

    Office : 01280 815304
    Stephen Dickens

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Councillor

    Office : 01280 816059
    Email :
    Fred Morris

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    Village Hall - representative
  • Councillor

    Mobile : 07905 317282
    Email :
    Vicky Murray

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    The Greener Padbury Group
    Preschool - representative
  • Councillor

    Mobile : 07920 297891
    Email :
    David Green

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    NBPPC (North Bucks Parishes Planning Consortium) - representative
  • Councillor

    Mobile : 07879 847828
    Email :
    Louise Smith

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    School - representative
    The Greener Padbury Group
  • Councillor

    Mobile : 07836 728747
    Email :
    David Barnes

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Parish Clerk/RFO

    Mobile : 07961 827302
    Email :
    Pam Molloy

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities