This home page has been edited to remove the history & news sections html code. If this is to be replaced, copy the relevant html code from the orginal home page. News section reinstated 16-11-22
  • This is a view of the countryside that surrounds Padbury

    Welcome to

    Padbury Parish Council

  • This is St Mary's Church on Church Lane

    St Mary's Church

  • This is a picture of Padbury Village Hall which was formerly the village school

    Padbury Village Hall

  • This is a picture of the children's playground on Main Street

    Padbury Playground

  • This is a picture of the War Memorial on Main Street

    War Memorial

Padbury Parish Council

Padbury is situated in semi-rural North Buckinghamshire, three miles to the South of Buckingham. It is a charming village with a vibrant community. 

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10 September 2024

Parish Council Meeting

Pavilion Tuesday 7:00 pm View Details

The role of the Parish Council is to represent the interests of the residents of Padbury. The Parish Council website contains information about the duties and responsibilities of the Parish Council, councillors' details and some useful links. It includes information on planning applications, minutes and agendas, dates and times of meetings, a news page and more.

To contact the Parish Council please email or call 07961 827302.

Latest Parish News

Defibrillator Awareness


July 2024
Defibrillator sign

We are holding a Defibrillator Awareness session on Tuesday the 6th August at 6pm, at the Pavilion.

The Community Heartbeat Trust will be demonstrating the use of defibrillators and explaining how the equipment works and its benefits to the community in saving precious minutes in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrest.

Everybody is welcome to attend.

Planning application for up to 79 dwellings - REFUSED


July 2024
Picture of houses

Planning application: 22/03695/AOP for the Land North of the A413 - for up to 79 dwellings.

The Parish Council are pleased to advise that the planning application for the 79 houses of the A413 was refused at the Planning Committee meeting held on the 24th July. Thank you to Buckinghamshire Councillor John Chilver and Parish Councillor Peter Burton for speaking at the meeting.

The officer's report and addendum can be found in the additional documents below. 

The indicative master plan is attached below.

Comments can be viewed via the Buckinghamshire Council website, see link -Buckinghamshire Council - Planning Application Summary. The application reference number is: 22/03695/AOP.

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