
Planning Applications:

The local planning authority is Buckinghamshire Council and they consult Padbury Parish Council on planning applications within the parish and adjacent applications ‘just over the border’. The Parish Council is only one of a number of consultees and Buckinghamshire Council may or may not take note of our comments.

The following document may be useful if you wish to make a comment on an existing planning application:

Making Comments on Planning Applications (supplied by a third party). For the latest information, please visit Buckinghamshire Councils website - How to comment on a planning application

For further planning information, please visit: Planning and Building Control

The following is a list of current planning applications which are awaiting decisions by Buckinghamshire Council. Click on this link and then enter the planning reference in the ‘search’ field to see the full details. The Buckinghamshire Council website contains the definitive list of planning applications and if you are looking for a specific application you can enter an address or postcode to see all the applications in that area.

  • 22/03695/AOP - Outline application for up to 79 dwellings and associated works with all matters reserved except for access - Land North of A413
  • 22/03735/APP - Householder application for proposed freestanding solar photovoltaic system - College Barn, Thornborough Road
  • 24/00791/APP - Conversion of barn outbuilding with alterations and extensions to dwelling with allocated car parking spaces and private amenity space - 7 Bennetts Close
  • 24/01637/AGN - Erection of agricultural building - Folly Farm, Winslow Road