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Set out below are various policies and procedures that govern how the Parish Council operates.
Equality & Diversity Policy
This document sets out the parish council's commitment to equality.
Reserves Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set out how the parish council will determine and review the level of financial reserves.
Code of Conduct
This document sets out the standards of behaviour that are required of councillors.
Volunteer Policy & Procedures
This document sets out the policy and procedures for volunteers
Safeguarding Policy
This document is to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are protected and kept safe from harm
Health & Safety Policy
This document is for providing a safe and healthy environment for all
Document Retention Policy
This policy provides information on how we maintain our records
Publication Scheme
This sets out the information about the parish council that we publish.
Developer's Protocol
This document sets out how the parish council will deal with developers in respect of pre-planning application discussions.
CCTV and Surveillance Policy
This policy is designed to address both the powers and obligations of the Council.
Parish Council Standing Orders
This document sets out how the parish council operates
Complaints Procedures
If you have to make a complaint, this document sets out the procedure that will be followed.
Risk Management
This document sets out the parish council's view of the risks it faces and how these are mitigated.
Scheme of Delegation
This document sets out the scheme of delegation agreed by the parish council
Biodiversity Policy
This policy provides information on the parish councils role
Financial Regulations
This document sets out the financial procedures of the parish council