This home page has been edited to remove the history & news sections html code. If this is to be replaced, copy the relevant html code from the orginal home page. News section reinstated 16-11-22
  • This is a view of the countryside that surrounds Padbury

    Welcome to

    Padbury Parish Council

  • This is St Mary's Church on Church Lane

    St Mary's Church

  • This is a picture of Padbury Village Hall which was formerly the village school

    Padbury Village Hall

  • This is a picture of the children's playground on Main Street

    Padbury Playground

  • This is a picture of the War Memorial on Main Street

    War Memorial

Padbury Parish Council

Padbury is situated in semi-rural North Buckinghamshire, three miles to the South of Buckingham. It is a charming village with a vibrant community. 

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15 April 2025
Padbury Pavilion Tuesday 7:00 pm View Details

The role of the Parish Council is to represent the interests of the residents of Padbury. The Parish Council website contains information about the duties and responsibilities of the Parish Council, councillors' details and some useful links. It includes information on planning applications, minutes and agendas, dates and times of meetings, a news page and more.

To contact the Parish Council please email or call 07961 827302.

Latest Parish News

Your village needs you!


March 2025
village logo

On 1st May elections will be held for Padbury parish council. The council can consist of up to seven councillors, although at the moment there are six. Many of the existing councillors have decided, for various and understandable reasons, not to stand for re-election. So the village needs you!

To be nominated for election you must be:

· at least 18 years old

· a British citizen

· on the parish electoral roll, or in the last 12 months lived or worked in the village or live within three miles of the parish boundary

and you need the support of two other Padbury residents.

An election is only held if there are more than seven nominations. Otherwise those who have put their names forward are elected without the formality of an election. There has not been an election in Padbury for many years as just enough residents have stepped up. If there are less than seven names, the councillors can co-opt others to bring the number up to seven.

There is no need for any particular knowledge of how a parish council works as training can be provided. The parish clerk, Carol Swannell, although new to her role, is there to help councillors.Also the retiring councillors have agreed to be on hand (or at least at the end of an email or telephone call) to give assistance if needed, contact is via the parish clerk.

If you would like an informal chat with a current councillor, please contact the parish clerk to arrange.

It would help, but is not a requirement, if you have other skills that would assist in the council’s work. For example, someone with a legal background, or knowledge of planning matters, would be a great help. We have a website that needs looking after. It is not that difficult although a computer background would help. Do you have experience in land management or similar as the council is responsible for the millennium wood and other green matters around the village.

Without being ageist, most of the current councillors are of a certain age and younger people would be most welcome. There is also an imbalance in the male/female ratio, levelling this would be good.

The council meets six times a year (at the Padbury pavilion). In between there may be email exchanges or WhatsApp calls to consider matters that do not fall into the meeting cycle. So being a councillor need not take up too much of your time. There is also a possible change in the law that would allow virtual meetings, so possibly no need to move from your armchair.

The nomination form

The nomination form looks daunting but it is only really asking for your name and address and the names of your proposer and seconder (called ‘subscribers’) who can also witness some of the forms that need to be completed.

To download the nomination form see under 'additional documents' below. It comes with instructions on its completion and there is other guidance (also see below). Our polling district is MBD and the elector number can be obtained by calling 01296 798141.

If you cannot access the internet, please contact the parish clerk who can provide a copy of the nomination form.

Buckinghamshire Council has a page devoted to the election, which you can view by clicking here.

What you need to do

Complete the nomination form and hand deliver to:

Deputy Returning Office, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF

The nomination form can by delivered from Tuesday 18th March, on a weekday, between 10am and 4pm. On Wednesday 19th and 26th March forms will be accepted until 8pm.

The final deadline for delivery is 4pm, Wednesday 2nd April.

The first meeting of the new council will be on 13 May. Be there!

Planning application for up to 79 dwellings - APPEAL lodged


February 2025
Picture of houses

Planning application: 22/03695/AOP for the Land North of the A413 - for up to 79 dwellings

The developer filed its appeal papers just before Christmas, when most people's attention was elsewhere. Following representations by the Parish Council, a small extension to the 17th January was granted. Hopefully you made your views known!

An informal hearing into the appeal will start on 4th March 2025 in the Jubilee Room at the Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF commencing at 10am. The planning inspector is A Owen MA BA(Hons) MRTPI. Residents are welcome to attend and may, at the Ispector's discretion, give their views.

The relevant appeal / planning application numbers are: 24/00092/REF Appeal (22/03695/AOP) Outline Planning Application.

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